In the right light !
Light based devices have changed the practice of Cosmetic Dermatology. Numerous clinical studies in the last years have shown IPL ( Photofacial ) and Fractional resurfacing among the best non-invasive technologies that offer good outcomes with less downtime.
According to Jeffrey Dover, M.D. an associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University, it is safe to say that patients who are not doing fractional resurfacing are missing an opportunity in getting very impressive results not just for lines and photoaging but also with acne scarring. He uses the Palomar technology to achieve those results.
Choosing the right light modality for a given patient is a balancing act, according to Dr. Mathew Avram, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Cosmetic Center,Boston,
Intense pulsed light (IPL) can produce overall skin rejuvenation, a “side effect” that patients often notice after they receive IPL for vascular lesions or hyperpigmentation. The benefits tend to be modest, even after several treatments, so this is not usually performed as a standalone technique for skin laxity or wrinkles.
Non ablative fractional lasers act by creating thousands of microscopic wounds that are “columns of thermal coagulation,” leaving an intact stratum corneum, or skin surface. Fractional resurfacing can target texture, fine lines, pigmentation disorders, melisma and over a period of months, will trigger collagen remodeling and new collagen formation
At SkinSync we use both Palomar IPL and Palomar non-ablative fractional technologies to assist our clients in reaching their skin care goals and “loving the skin they are in “
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